--- Build 1085 - Wednesday, 29 November 2023 13:47:40 UTC - performance optimizations - often 20% or more faster - better heterogeneous cpu (performance/efficient cores) support - river node locking fix - updated intel c++ compiler - bugfixes - NOTE: PioViewer 3.x is not completely supported yet --- Build 1084 - Thursday, 17 March 2022 17:32:44 UTC - fixed 'add_info_line' data getting reset in 'build_tree' --- Build 1083 - Sunday, 30 January 2022 09:51:05 UTC - linux: amd cpus supported again --- Build 1082 - Friday, 28 January 2022 18:12:00 UTC - GTOTrainer: now works with >4GB files - show_stats: more stats --- Build 1081 - Thursday, 06 January 2022 22:52:36 UTC - fixed a somewhat rare crash-causing bug introduced in build 1078 --- Build 1080 - Tuesday, 28 December 2021 18:42:07 UTC - a config script ('jesolver_config.txt') that is loaded automatically at startup currently lowers the priority class of the process and includes stuff from https://jesolver.com/cpu_tuning.txt - new command: 'set_priority_class ' - sets process priority class (windows) - load_script: 'if_exists'-flag, e.g. 'load_script cpu_tuning.txt if_exists'. --- Build 1079 - Thursday, 23 December 2021 20:34:33 UTC - updated intel c++ compiler - new version of the licensing software - bugfixes --- Build 1078 - Tuesday, 31 August 2021 17:16:34 UTC - windows and linux: updated intel c++ compilers - many new optimizations (~12% faster with big trees) - new avx-512 builds (up to 25%(!) faster) - max simd level changed to 16 (avx-512) - new commands: 'set_eval_mode <0..3>', 'set_eval_cap <1..4096>', 'set_eval_flag <0|1>' - new commands: 'enable_perf_counters <0|1>', 'show_perf_counters' - new scripting commands: 'if_match ', 'end_if' - pretuned settings for various cpus: https://jesolver.com/cpu_tuning.txt - NOTE: avx1 is not supported and the linux version has problems with amd cpus. these issues will be addressed in a later build. --- Build 1077 - Thursday, 12 August 2021 13:17:20 UTC - windows: updated intel c++ compiler - minor optimizations --- Build 1076 - Thursday, 29 July 2021 16:16:10 UTC - GTOTrainer support ('show_metadata', not well tested) - changed the title line to indicate pio 2.x compatibility (for pioviewer) --- Build 1075 - Wednesday, 28 July 2021 12:12:19 UTC - pio 2.x scripting support: - emulate piosolver 'list_algorithms', 'set_algorithm' and 'get_curr_alg' (the algorithm is not actually changed) - 'build_tree' accepts parameters - 'wait_for_solver' returns an 'ok' message --- Build 1074 - Friday, 16 July 2021 12:03:25 UTC - reset rake in build_tree and only allow set_rake after tree is built - store rake parameters in .cfr files to make non-cached ev calculation work properly (you can call set_rake after load_tree to fix old solves) - fixed rare calc_ev river bug --- Build 1073 - Thursday, 15 July 2021 11:42:26 UTC - PioViewer support (minor UPI changes) --- Build 1072 - Thursday, 08 July 2021 08:51:51 UTC - new command: 'set_deck_distribution ' sets relative probabilities of cards in the deck (see command reference) - new command: 'show_range_grid ' shows ascii range visualization --- Build 1071 - Thursday, 04 February 2021 14:39:41 UTC - more rake optimizations (~23% faster) --- Build 1070 - Tuesday, 15 December 2020 18:07:33 UTC - calc_line_freq: fixed set_low_card >2 --- Build 1069 - Saturday, 21 November 2020 13:07:26 UTC - rake optimizations (more to come) --- Build 1068 - Thursday, 19 November 2020 16:31:52 UTC - preliminary multinode support (solve a single tree faster using multiple networked computers) - for testing only at this point, see documentation - set_rake implemented (not optimized yet so solving is a bit slow when rake is enabled) - new command: 'show_stats [epsilon] [position]' prints out interesting stats such as the percentage of pure strategies by street - new command: 'spawn ' spawns a child solver process that exits when the parent process exits (for testing multiple workers) --- Build 1067 - Saturday, 17 October 2020 13:19:05 UTC - linux: jesolver_pro_xxxx now works on zen2+ amd cpus, removed jesolver_pro_amd_xxxx - bugfixes --- Build 1066 - Friday, 16 October 2020 11:29:01 UTC - automatically optimize solver parameters when using 'set_accuracy' to set target accuracy. makes some big trees solve 15% faster. --- Build 1065 - Thursday, 08 October 2020 09:57:35 UTC - numa optimizations (5-15% speedup with big trees on ec2 m5.24xlarge, 2 numa nodes, 96 threads). must be enabled manually with 'enable_numa 1'. - '--pscmd' command line argument for executing a solver command after script is loaded - bugfixes --- Build 1064 - Monday, 05 October 2020 13:03:40 UTC - better performance solving trees with a small number of river actions running 32+ threads --- Build 1063 - Saturday, 03 October 2020 17:50:52 UTC - prefetching optimizations ('set_prefetch_mode 0' turns off) - updated compiler - bugfixes --- Build 1062 - Monday, 21 September 2020 12:43:09 UTC - more automatic compression level selection tuning ('fast' is selected more often) --- Build 1061 - Monday, 14 September 2020 11:08:19 UTC - river node locking fix - new version of the licensing software - bugfixes --- Build 1060 - Wednesday, 22 April 2020 07:22:48 UTC - fixed dll deps --- Build 1059 - Monday, 20 April 2020 11:02:32 UTC - windows: updated compiler and optimizations, ~8% faster - bugfixes --- Build 1058 - Friday, 17 April 2020 01:36:22 UTC - more simd optimizations, ~15% faster - faster compression and ~15% better fast/low/medium compression ratios - fast compression is now automatically selected by default - linux: faster amd build - scripting: variables (see documentation) --- Build 1057 - Thursday, 09 April 2020 16:19:55 UTC - round 'add_line' bet sizes down to the nearest integer like piosolver - fine-tuned automatic compression level selection - 'estimate_schematic_tree' after 'build_tree' gives estimated upper bound of memory usage at the current compression level --- Build 1056 - Monday, 30 March 2020 01:47:37 UTC - linux: max compression mode ~20% faster - bugfixes --- Build 1055 - Sunday, 29 March 2020 12:51:57 UTC - 'show_range' zeros probs of dead hands like piosolver - better range explorer compatibility - minor fixes --- Build 1054 - Friday, 27 March 2020 17:07:38 UTC - show_all_lines (for multi-file runouts aggregated frequencies analysis in pioviewer) --- Build 1053 - Thursday, 26 March 2020 12:53:56 UTC - river script calc_ev fix - minor fixes --- Build 1052 - Sunday, 23 February 2020 19:06:23 UTC - load_tree bugfix --- Build 1051 - Saturday, 22 February 2020 15:54:32 UTC - pioviewer range explorer support - faster initialization (memory allocation) --- Build 1050 - Thursday, 20 February 2020 08:31:32 UTC - fixed show_strategy_pp again --- Build 1049 - Wednesday, 19 February 2020 11:29:04 UTC - adaptive regret precision - can sometimes improve performance a lot, especially with big trees on by default, 'enable_adaptive_precision 0' to disable --- Build 1048 - Monday, 17 February 2020 16:14:12 UTC - the new memory allocator was causing random crashes so temporarily disabled it (build 1047 is a bit faster if you didn't get any) --- Build 1047 - Tuesday, 11 February 2020 15:41:19 UTC - windows: new version of the licensing software --- Build 1046 - Tuesday, 11 February 2020 12:34:09 UTC - hand evaluator customizations: (not well tested yet) - set_low_card [2..6] - sets the rank of the lowest card in the deck - set_hand_type_order [highcard pair twopair trips straight flush fullhouse quads straightflush] - set_must_use_hole_cards (0 = texas holdem, 1 = ?, 2 = greek holdem) - e.g. for short deck (6+) holdem, add these two commands on the top of the script: set_low_card 6 set_hand_type_order highcard pair twopair straight trips fullhouse flush quads straightflush --- Build 1045 - Sunday, 09 February 2020 17:20:10 UTC - fixed 'forget rivers' bug introduced in build 1040 - minor optimizations --- Build 1044 - Monday, 23 December 2019 17:19:02 UTC - linux: amd-compatible binary - linux: new version of the licensing software - bugfixes --- Build 1043 - Thursday, 12 December 2019 16:57:09 UTC - new compression level: 'fast' (may be faster than 'none'(!), not automatically chosen yet) - new command: set_precision ([-2..2], default 0) - adjusting precision may improve performance and/or reduce memory usage depending on the tree and the target exploitability --- Build 1042 - Tuesday, 03 December 2019 19:09:48 UTC - fixed show_strategy_pp --- Build 1041 - Thursday, 21 November 2019 12:25:25 UTC - faster memory allocator - max simd level changed to 8 - another 5% faster overall - compressor optimizations - bugfixes --- Build 1040 - Thursday, 14 November 2019 17:27:07 UTC - optimizations, ~25% (many percentages) faster (skylake avx2) - new command: set_simd_level ([1..4], default 4) - '--cmd' command line argument for executing a solver command after startup --- Build 1039 - Tuesday, 04 June 2019 13:07:56 UTC - 'enable_river_strategy 0' disables river strategy computation - 'enable_avx512 1' enables avx-512 optimizations (alpha) --- Build 1038 - Tuesday, 13 February 2018 13:29:36 UTC - pioviewer 1.10.3 save/load tree compatibility --- Build 1037 - Sunday, 27 August 2017 17:48:46 UTC - remove_line bugfix --- Build 1036 - Thursday, 29 June 2017 15:16:33 UTC - separate avx/avx2 executables (for amd ryzen compatibility) - scheduler optimizations (better cpu utilization) - new commmand: show_cpu_info - calc_line_freq wasn't working properly with small saves so disabled it for now - '--echo' command line argument for echoing console input (for debugging) - minor fixes --- Build 1035 - Friday, 24 March 2017 12:33:25 UTC - new version of the licensing software --- Build 1034 - Thursday, 16 March 2017 23:02:57 UTC - significantly better performance in high/max compression-modes (CAP3sizes.txt/0.25% of pot expl 55% faster) - fixed a bug that caused the solver to get stuck sometimes (in rare cases) - '--verbose' command line argument for outputting debug information [shown in square brackets] --- Build 1033 - Thursday, 16 March 2017 02:42:54 UTC - bugfixes --- Build 1032 - Monday, 28 November 2016 21:08:34 UTC - new version of the licensing software - bugfixes --- Build 1031 - Wednesday, 31 August 2016 17:51:16 UTC - optimizations --- Build 1030 - Monday, 29 August 2016 17:13:12 UTC - dump_tree 'fast'-flag - prefer faster load time over smaller file size. (e.g. 'dump_tree filename no_rivers fast') - improved file i/o on windows --- Build 1029 - Thursday, 18 August 2016 22:09:44 UTC - cut_line - support for utf-8 filenames - fixed set_strategy --- Build 1028 - Tuesday, 09 August 2016 20:42:14 UTC - optimized calc_line_freq - changed show_strategy to output '0' instead of 'nan' --- Build 1027 - Monday, 08 August 2016 21:33:13 UTC - pio 1.9 commands: calc_global_freq and calc_line_freq - dump_tree: retry file creation if failed - use set_scheduler 1 by default on linux (much faster in some cases) - linux compression crash fix (happened with very large trees) - set_compression (or ) - forces compression level - get_actual_compression - returns the actual compression level used after build_tree - help - lists all available commands --- Build 1026 - Sunday, 07 August 2016 21:44:24 UTC - combo locking - pioviewer 1.9 compatibility (not complete but seems to work) --- Build 1025 - Thursday, 28 July 2016 23:58:29 UTC - fixed turn solver failing to converge if range probs were very small --- Build 1024 - Wednesday, 20 July 2016 16:41:25 UTC - range consistency check (isomorphic hands should have the same probability) - improved automatic compression level selection - optimized turn solver --- Build 1023 - Wednesday, 08 June 2016 06:17:06 UTC - fixed load_tree crash when the tree had decisions with only one action (e.g. no donk-bet) - fixed calc_ev crash when using compressed rivers --- Build 1022 - Tuesday, 31 May 2016 20:02:12 UTC - set_ev_boost - boost EV of an action to create more aggressive or passive strategies while still staying close to equilibrium - --exit command-line option - bugfixes --- Build 1021 - Sunday, 29 May 2016 20:22:01 UTC - linux version - remote server support (run pioviewer on your pc, jesolver on a server) - new command: show_probs . shows overall player reach probabilities and action probabilities. - optimizations --- Build 1020 - Friday, 13 May 2016 16:38:22 UTC - dump_tree: compressed flop and turn data in small saves (CAP3sizes.txt 129 MB -> 26 MB) - dump_tree: no_evs option (e.g. 'dump_tree filename no_rivers no_evs'). EVs show as zero in the viewer but strategies and ranges still work. (CAP3sizes.txt 129 MB -> 8 MB) - new command: set_scheduler <0|1|2> (experimental; 'set_scheduler 2' may improve performance when running on 16+ cores) - new command: deactivate --- Build 1019 - Monday, 18 April 2016 21:46:42 UTC - pioviewer 1.8 compatibility - much smaller micro (flop-only) saves - improved scripting support - bugfixes --- Build 1018 - Wednesday, 13 January 2016 16:12:31 UTC - smaller "small saves" - load script given as a command line argument - set_board: duplicate card check - minor bugfixes --- Build 1017 - Friday, 11 December 2015 13:41:50 UTC - calc_ev bugfix --- Build 1016 - Thursday, 10 December 2015 13:32:07 UTC - first public beta